1. 建筑学、城市规划或环艺本科以上学历;
2. 具有优秀的设计能力及图面表达或建模能力;
2. 熟练掌握Rhino,AutoCAD,Photoshop及Illustrator,并能够做简单渲染及后期;
3. 热爱建筑行业,责任心强,努力、认真、敬业、踏实;
1. 就读建筑学、城市规划或环艺全日制本科或研究生;
2. 学习能力强,具有创新能力,对方案设计、实体模型制作感兴趣;
3. 熟练掌握Rhino,AutoCAD,Photoshop及Illustrator,并能够做简单渲染及后期;
4. 实习期3个月以上全职实习生优先;
1. 有意者请将简历及作品集(20M以内PDF格式)发送至邮箱
2. 请在邮件标题中注明应聘岗位,并于正文中陈述求职意向、最快入职时间及简单自我介绍,我们会尽快与您取得联系。
Current Openings:
Architect/Interior Designer
1. Professional degree in Architecture, Planning or Environmental Art Design;
2. Excellent design ability and strong graphic and/or modeling skills;
3. Proficient in Rhino, AutoCAD, Photoshop/Illustrator, rendering skills are highly preferred;
4. Good work ethics and strong sense of responsibility, good communicator, able to work collaboratively.
1. Master student or undergraduate student major in Architecture, Planning or Environmental Art Design;
2. Good design sensitivity;
3. Proficient with Rhino or physical modeling;
4. Minimum 3 months.
How to apple:
1. Qualified candicates should submit a pdf file less than 20M containing resume and portfolio to
2. Please include job title in the email title, and express your salary requirements and job intention in the text.We'll get in touch with you soon.